13th November 2020 13:00-14.30
Creating meaningful jobs for young people (18-24 year olds) in the current climate is a challenge. Uncertainty is high in a covid-shadowed world, and there are questions about how to develop skills and knowledge that will lead to sustainable career paths. This event will explore the challenges and opportunities of the youth labour market, particularly in a digital age. It brings together research strands of the ESRC Digital Futures at Work Research Centre (Digit), and will be moderated by Digit co-lead Jackie O’Reilly. LJ Rawlings, the Chief Executive Officer of Youth Employment UK will address the issues of keeping young people employed, particularly in light of the UK Government’s new Kickstart scheme. Ayo Idowu will discuss a new research project addressing how young people are engaging in entrepreneurship using online platforms, and will be joined by Monica Richards, who is herself an entrepreneur through Depop. Finally, we will have researchers (Rachel Verdin and Ann McDonnell) examining social protection of young people in a European context and the consideration for jobs in a digital age.
This website is an archived version of the 2020 festival, visit the main website for this years events