11th November 2020 15:00-17:00
Talk/Webinar, Panel debate
Join us for an ESRC Festival of Social Sciences event, with our expert panel we explore digitalising sustainable clothing consumption.
How do we make the transition to a more sustainable way of consuming clothes?
Worldwide clothing is important as evidenced by a global garment industry valued at around US $1.7 trillion and employing approximately 75 million people (WRAP 2015). There are, however, significant environmental costs from resource inputs, manufacture, use and disposal of clothing. In the UK, clothing has the fourth largest environmental impact after housing, transport, and food and more than half of fast-fashion items are thrown away in less than a year (McKinsey 2018).
The role of the consumer is key but becoming a sustainable clothing consumer is not an easy task. The complexity of environmental and social issues through raw materials, production, consumption, and disposal are peppered with uncertainties and contradictions. This makes it important to understand the opportunities provided by digitalisation in supporting more sustainable approaches to clothing consumption.
Join us and our expert panel as we discuss the opportunities and challenges of digitalising sustainable clothing consumption.
For more information about the research background relating to this event - https://www.gla.ac.uk/media/Media_649965_smxx.pdf
Confirmed panellists:
Hasna Koudra, founder Save Your Wardrobe
Professor Deirdre Shaw, expert in consumption ethics at University of Glasgow
This website is an archived version of the 2020 festival, visit the main website for this years events