08th November 2020 19:30:00
Talk/Webinar, Panel debate, Workshop, Interactive activity
In partnership with The Portuguese Fertility Association (APF) and Fertility Network UK (FNUK), we have developed MyJourney - a bilingual (Portuguese, English) research-based web-app to support people who have exhausted their chances of having the children they wished for. MyJourney will be launched in early November in a joint event by APF and FNUK. It is the culmination of a long research process that focused on understanding how people adjust to an unfulfilled child wish and how to best support them. We will co-host two webinars (one in Portuguese and another in English with APF and FNUK, respectively) to present MyJourney, the social research underlying its development, and the feasibility RCT we will start at the time of launch. In addition, we want to explore specific concepts that arose during a previous acceptability study of MyJourney. All participants referred to their adjustment process as ‘my journey’, a metaphor we fully incorporated into the app. Related concepts were one’s readiness to start the journey, the pace of travelling and how one changes along the journey. The web app incorporates topics of positive change along one’s journey and we will present some of these topics visually. We are interested in better understanding: 1) participants’ views and experiences reflected in these metaphors and topics; and 2) if and how participants feel these metaphors and topics could be better incorporated in the web app (updates) and its branding in a useful way. To this effect, we will create a set of artistic images based on the journey metaphor presenting narratives that integrate these sub-metaphors (readiness for, pace of, and change along journey) and other topics. The images will be informed by the findings of the acceptability study and used as stimulus to elicit participants’ views and experiences and stimulate discussion around these themes. We have successfully used a similar approach in the past to discuss the infertility experiences and fertility care needs of BAME women (see https://drawingout.org/thorns-and-flowers-infertility-experiences-of-black-and-minority-ethnic-women/).
This website is an archived version of the 2020 festival, visit the main website for this years events