12th November 2020 16.00 - 17.30
The film Any Other Business is inspired by findings from a major ESRC funded research into LGBT+ employee networks in the NHS. Any Other Business tells the story of Natasha, a lesbian cisgender media officer at a health trust and the LGBT+ employee network Voice. As the incoming chair of Voice, Natasha faces some fundamental questions about the purpose of the network, issues around inclusion, and where the network is heading. As a platform for social change, a production of this kind subverts conventional divisions between science and humanities and offers an innovative approach to delivering research findings to a broad-based audience. The performance will be followed by a Q and A panel session with the Principal Investigator, Dr Anna Einarsdóttir Senior Lecturer in Work, Management and Organising at the York Management School and artistic collaborators.
This website is an archived version of the 2020 festival, visit the main website for this years events