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Peacebuilding in Northern Ireland: Theoretical and Practical perspectives

09th November 2020 16:00:00
Talk/Webinar, Panel debate, Politically sensitive

About this event

Knowledge of the economic and political contributions of the European Union (EU) to the Northern Ireland peace process is generally under-theorised. However, the EU acted as an arena in which to foster dialogue and positive cooperation and contributed to the reconfiguration of the region from a site of conflict to a site of conflict amelioration and peacebuilding. This panel discussion has a dual aim. First, it will demonstrate that the relationship between Northern Ireland and the EU has been much more significant in the peace process than it has ever been suggested. Second, it will shed light on the nexus between theories, policies, and peacebuilding practices of the EU in Northern Ireland. This nexus matters because the EU still lacks a detailed strategy of peacebuilding. The case of Northern Ireland and the challenges faced by peacebuilding practitioners in implementing the PEACE Programmes can teach the EU itself on how to strategise better in other areas of mediation and peacebuilding it is involved in around the world. Moreover, the discussion will shed light on the challenges faced by peace practitioners in Northern Ireland and the solutions they arrived at. This panel debate will generate a lively discussion on policies and politics and can have a real policy impact.

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